There aren't enough amazing things to say about the Donkey Sanctuary in Bonaire. My boys went to the sanctuary when we first arrived in Bonaire with our babysitter and had such a magnificent time that they begged us to come with them for a second trip. So we all bundled into the truck and headed back a couple days later. There are over 500 donkeys on the island that were originally brought over to help haul the salt from the Salt mines. Since the creation of the salt pier, they are no longer needed for this difficult task, so many roam wild around the island.
The Donkey sanctuary is home to several hundred extremely gentle and kind donkeys who LOVE when people come by to feed them. We learned quickly that donkeys use their lips to grab onto the food and not their teeth, so feeding them is not frightening at all. Though, if you ask my older son (as seen scolding the doneky in the video below) he may offer a different perspective!
